
Friday, February 11, 2011

Diapers, Tantrums & Bottles, Oh My!

I find myself yet again catching my breath on the couch after my regular babysitting gig. I'm waiting for the parents to return, but that just allows me more time sit here and think. I know I have touched on the subject before, but recently I've been thinking heavily on the matter.

The last time I write about having children, I concluded that I would wait. Yeah, I have a confession: I am probably one of the most impatient people out there. And yes, I'm practical. I know that having a child isn't cheap. But I'm frugal anyway. Beyond obsessive...

I keep hearing things swirling in my head. "You and your husband both need steady, well-paying jobs!" (Oh wait, that's my mom's voice). "You need to buy a house first!" (This is in direct relation to the well-paying job statement).

It would be easier to pay off our student loans, save for a house, find a steady, well-paying job and ONLY then even remotely consider having children. Sound like after all those accomplishments, I will be well into my mid-30s.

Again, I don't know if I have the patience to wait that long or even the physical/mental/emotional strength to begin rearing a child then. So, here's to finding a well-paying job, sticking with renting affordable apartments and paying off my student loans. Forget the cookie cutter plan for life! We're going to have to skip a few steps I think.

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