Friday, November 30, 2012
Mexican Casserole Soup
I'm becoming more comfortable in the kitchen to where I venture in and toss things together in a pot just to see how it tastes. There are some hits and misses, but this one blew me away. When I younger, I remember my mom making a Mexican casserole. This dish consisted of layering corn tortillas, meat, cheese and cream of mushroom in layers and topping with an enchilada sauce. Since I've gone vegan, I have to forgo dishes like that and this soup accidentally reminded me of that dish!
I had every intention of using a recipe straight from Chef AJ's Unprocessed, but I realized I didn't have a can of diced tomatoes. What I did have was some random food that needed to be used up before it was too late. This recipe is definitely inspired from her Tomato & Tortilla Soup. I was disappointed that I couldn't follow it exactly, but was delightfully surprised with the outcome of my own creation.
Mexican Casserole Soup
yields 8 bowls
2 onions, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 1/2 cups oka, diced
1 cup corn
4 tomatillos, diced
1 red tomato, diced
2 jalapenos, diced
3 cups water
10 tortillas, cut into six pieces each
dash cayenne
1 tsp. Mrs. Dash southwest chipotle
dash paprika
dash chili powder
1 cup almond milk
1 avocado (optional)
1. Sautee onions and garlic in water on medium high heat for 10 minutes.
2. Add okra, tomatoes, corn, water, jalapenos to the sauteed onions and garlic and bring to a boil.
3. Stir in spices and tortillas.
4. Reduce heat and simmer covered for 15 minutes.
5. Uncover, add almond milk and use an immersion blender to blend until desired consistency is achieved. Add more milk to thin out soup if needed.
6. When serving, add a few chunks of avocado to garnish.
This is best served with Happy Herbivore's cornbread (add one jalapeno for a kick!)
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Transitioning to Veganism: Kitchen Overhaul
Once we decided to go plant-based, I knew there was no way that I could handle having any tempting foods in the house. I had just weighed in at my doctor's office at 30 lbs. more than the day I graduated high school. Things had to change and I wanted to succeed in my journey. I watched Forks Over Knives and immediately after, I walked straight into my kitchen and declared to my husband that I was going vegan.
My pantry and refrigerator was pretty much packed with non-vegan items. I had cans of beans with pork fat, junk foods out the wazoo, frozen foods and canned meals like you wouldn't believe. Luckily, our friend moved to Austin recently and didn't mind me handing over any items that I could no longer consume under a plant-based diet. Here are my tips for starting with a clean slate and make your pantry and kitchen plant-based friendly!
Clear a counter and pull out all non-vegan items. I know this sounds daunting, but you have to get into every nook and cranny. If you allow yourself a few of your favorite non-vegan items, you'll be setting yourself up for a relapse. It's best to pull out everything so you can really see what you've been consuming and how you can clear out some space for more whole grains, beans, veggies and fruits!
Junk foods are enemy numero uno. We had all kinds of little snack items that were completely processed and nowhere near healthy for us. I'm talking buttered popcorn, salmon dip, frozen pizzas and frozen dinners that I took to work. No more of that! Clear out anything with ingredients that you can't even pronounce. That's usually a good sign that it's not plant-based! Instead, you'll be eating healthier snacks, like homemade guacamole, spring rolls and spinach artichoke dip.
Donate all non-perishable items you can no longer consume. I wouldn't tell you to toss everything into the trash since that is wasteful, however there were some items that I realized I should never have been consuming, much less anyone else! I bagged up most of what we couldn't eat anymore and passed it along to a friend. You could also donate the items to a church or local food bank.
Rethink your freezer space. I always crammed meat in the freezer but despised cooking it. I guess I always had a vegan heart, but just didn't know it yet. Regardless, you need to clear out all the non-vegan items and make room for your next trip to the grocery store. Toss or give away foods such as meats, frozen dinners, pizzas, corn dogs, waffles, ice creams, etc. You'll be filling your freezer up with frozen fruits and vegetables that can come in handy for last-minute meals, smoothies and homemade vegan fruit ice cream.
Evaluate what's left. Don't worry, you've just made one of the biggest steps in your journey, which is purging the old foods from your life and discovering all of the new ones that will replace them. I know it's tough (I've been there), but now you have the opportunity to fill your kitchen with all of the grains, beans, veggies and fruits your little heart desires! Head on over to my post Vegan Diet 101: Where to Begin for a starter grocery list for some ideas on what to buy for a plant-based diet.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
5 Lessons I've Learned by Decluttering
I had been thinking about decluttering for a while and I've always been a huge fan of donating unused items. After watching the documentary "I'm Fine, Thanks", my husband and I were really intrigued by the idea of downsizing. We're by no means living in a McMansion, but even in our 740 sq. ft. apartment, we we starting to feel a little cluttered. It's been nearly a month since I started really doing a deep purge of the objects in our life, and here's a few things that I have learned along the way.
More silverware equals more dishes. Kendan and I despise doing dishes. When we got married a couple of years ago, my relatives insisted that I create a wedding registry for new items. I knew we didn't need any new wooden spoons, spatulas or plates, but Kendan and I couldn't resist using the laser gun at Target to tag items. I sold an extra set of silverware from our registry to someone recently and haven't regretted it.
LESSON: When you run out of spoons, it's time to do the dishes.
There's no reason to have 12 bottles of shower gel. Another shopping habit I used to have was head to the Bath & Body Works Outlet and buy a gazillion bottles of bath accessories. I figured you could never have too many smelly things. The problem is, the hubby likes to buy shower gel, as well. After pulling everything out and decluttering the bathroom, I ended up bagging up many different items and have given it to a relative that I know will use it.
LESSON: No matter how good that bottle of shower gel smells, you really don't need it.
It's OK to let go of some kitchenware that was handed down to you. I'm a sucker for vintage kitchenware and I've acquired a nice bit of it. Letting go of something that was given to you by someone you love does not alter the feelings you have towards that person. I've always believed in donating things I no longer use because I've been in a situation that required me to go out and buy things at a Goodwill store. Seriously, it's just stuff.
LESSON: Your memories are not for sale.
Some clothing items can be sold instead of donated. Even though I have shopped at thrift stores 99% of the time when I purchase clothing, I found that most of the things in my donate pile were gladly accepted at my local teenager clothing store. I walked away with some cash in hand and our closets are a little cleaner. I donated anything they didn't buy from me immediately after.
LESSON: You can make a little money back by selling your quality brand items.
It's absurd to own 30 cups for a two person household. While doing the dishes one day, I mentioned that a few of our platic cups were not in the best of shape. We had received them from Wurstfest, a kind of beer and brat fest that we attended the year before (we weren't vegan just yet). I only was hanging on to them because I thought my husband would care if I tossed them. He didn't. They had been well used and it was time to let them go. I tossed them into the recycling bag and alas, we had more room in our cupboards.
LESSON: If a cup is no longer cuppin', it's time to let it go.
And now, the one picture to define the whole process of removing unnecessary objects from our life... How does this even happen? Before you buy, check to make sure you don't already have eight at home.
Looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Check out my posts below!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Restaurant Review: Bouldin Creek Cafe
As part of my vegan lunch hour where my coworker and I venture out into Austin and try out a new place, we stopped by Bouldin Creek Cafe. They serve only vegetarian and vegan options and have a full menu to choose from. We drove out to South 1st and immediately upon walking in, we saw a coffee bar and the walls were adorned with interesting artwork. The place was packed on a weekday afternoon, so I knew it had to be amazing.
There wasn't a long wait at all, and once we were seated, we ordered a plate of hummus, veggies and whole wheat tortilla points while we looked the menu over. I wanted the Veggie Royale with chipotle-pecan pesto (amazing), and she ordered (and still raves about) the Wanna-BLT.
Since then, I brought back my husband and another friend for a Saturday brunch where I again ordered the Veggie Royale (no judgement please!) while they had some breakfast items. The mood was super casual, but definitely much more packed than a weekday with people lined up out the door. We didn't mind the wait at all, since there was such a great atmosphere. Again, the food was delicious and my non-veg friend loved it.
Most recently my husband and I dined there for dinner, and I must say out of all three meals that I've had so far, I loved dinner the best. The lighting on the patio was perfect for a late Fall night and there was such a nice breeze that seems kind of rare for Texas, even in November. I had every intention of ordering the Wanna-BLT, but once I read they had an Autumn Enchilada dinner plate, my order was settled!
Of course we ordered a plate of hummus and then once my enchiladas came, I was simply overjoyed. First, I haven't had enchiladas in months, and they were always my favorite omnivore dish. Second, these smelled amazing and had veggie chorizo, sweet potatoes and vegan mozzarella cheese with a marinara sauce. They were more than I could have hoped for and then some.
If you're looking for a laid-back veg*n restaurant in Austin, head on over to Bouldin Creek Cafe for your next meal. They have a friendly staff, amazing food, great prices and you'll be coming back for more.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Dead Turkeys & Butter Rolls: How to Survive Thanksgiving as a Vegan
Note from Kelsey: Today's guest post is by Jenny Manley of Crumbs on My Laptop, an aspiring writer and vegan chef that I met through Twitter. Today she'll be talking Thanksgiving dinner and the typical reactions us vegans face during the holidays and has included some tasty dishes. Enjoy!
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to reconnect with family and friends and be thankful for all that we have. It’s also a time to eat copious amounts of dead turkey. This can be a problem for those of us vegans who choose to abstain from buying or consuming animal products, not just for the obvious reasons, but because the Thanksgiving meal is such an intimate affair.
If you don’t eat your grandmother’s 3,000 year old recipe for stuffing or your aunt’s infamous butter rolls, you risk ruining the entire celebration. Translation: evil stares from every member of your family while sitting at the dinner table, pursed lips and shakes of the head at your blatant display of vegan tofurkey, hushed whispering in the kitchen about your protein deficiency and residual teen angst from over a decade ago, and eventual shunning from post dinner drinks and board games.
Your instinct might make you want to throw your tofurkey across the table while yelling about the inhumane slaughtering of turkeys, but trust me, that will only alienate you further and confirm their suspicions that your anger is due to malnutrition. Instead, try to see your lifestyle from their perspective, and realize that your veganism is forcing them to question how they think about food, animals, and their health.
Even if you don’t bring up animal rights or vegan nutrition at the dinner table, your plate will speak volumes. I always find that the less I say about my diet, the more I draw people in. So instead of ranting about the murdered bird on their plate, calmly eat your tempeh sausage collard wraps and wait for them to come to you. Food is as personal as religion and politics. If you tread lightly, you’ll survive the holidays and perhaps even tempt others to explore a vegan lifestyle!
In addition, if you’re spending Thanksgiving at a family member’s or friend’s home, call ahead and tell the host that you’ll bring a few vegan dishes, and not to stress about cooking something special for you. This will take a lot of stress off of your host and will eliminate the probability of your diet becoming a huge inconvenience. In fact, cook my vegan tempeh sausage collard wraps and everyone will be jealous of your yummy plate! This recipe is vegan, gluten free, nightshade free, and free of processed sugars!
Tempeh Sausage Collard Wraps with Cranberry Sauce & Avocado
1 package tempeh, crumbled (I recommend SoyBoy Five Grain Tempeh)
2 tbs extra virgin olive oil
1 tbs poultry seasoning
3/4 cup stock (I recommend No-Chicken Broth)
2 tbs mirin or white wine
1 tbs nutritional yeast
1 tsp tamari or shoyu
2 large collard leaves, stems removed (you should have 4 wraps)
1 avocado, sliced
1 tbs cranberry sauce (see recipe below)
Sea salt & fresh black pepper to taste
In a sauté pan, heat oil on a medium flame. Once hot, add crumbled tempeh and cook without stirring for 3 minutes, or until tempeh begins to brown. Add poultry seasoning and deglaze with mirin, scraping up any stuck pieces of tempeh from the pan using a wooden spoon. Pour in the stock, tamari/shoyu, and nutritional yeast, and allow to simmer until most of the liquid has been absorbed. Meanwhile, steam collard wraps in another pan with salted boiling water for 1-2 minutes. To assemble wraps, place a few slices of avocado, a scoop of tempeh sausage, and a dollop of cranberry sauce on the upper third of a collard wrap. Slowly roll the top of the collard over the mixture and continue until completely wrapped. Optional: serve over forbidden rice or sweet potatoes. Makes 4 wraps.
Festive Cranberry Sauce
1 bag fresh or frozen cranberries (if frozen, allow to thaw in the fridge for a few hours before using)
1/2 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
1/2 cup water
1/4 cup coconut nectar or natural sweetener of choice (I recommend Coconut Secret's Coconut Nectar)
Pinch each of nutmeg & cinnamon
In a saucepan, bring water and orange juice to a boil. Add cranberries and return to a boil, then pour in coconut nectar and spices. Simmer, uncovered, for about 5 minutes or until berries burst open. Makes about 2 cups of sauce.
About Jenny and Crumbs on My Laptop
I am an aspiring writer and vegan chef. I love riding horses, listening to music, hiking with my husband and dog, and waking up really early. I love the smell of rain. I believe in unicorns and many of my friends are faeries. I could live on avocados, pickles, and bread. I am convinced that sugar is the devil and feeds cancer. On the topic of cancer, I am terrified of my cell phone and only use speaker phone for fear of radiation and eventual tumors in my ears. I consume an extraordinary amount of kombucha and raw nut cheese. I love to movie quote and always insult others when they incorrectly quote a line.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
In the morning, I try to grab some raw oats, flaxseed, fruit and almond milk for breakfast. Sometimes I just like the "to-go" approach. This is a super simple and quick way to start your day while running out the door. You can also sub out the bananas for frozen fruits and switch it up!
Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
yields one smoothie
3 bananas
2 Tbsp. peanut butter
1 Tbsp. flax seeds
1/2 c. almond milk
1 small palmful nuts (almonds or pecans)
1. Blend all ingredients until smooth.
2. Enjoy your smoothie for breakfast or an afternoon pick-me-up.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Hosting a Vegan for The Holidays
Maybe your son or daughter has changed their lifestyle and gone vegan or plant-based. Perhaps you have an in-law visiting that's taken the dietary plunge into veganism. No matter who it is, hosting a vegan can seem a little daunting, but fear not! Any dish can be veganized and there can be plenty of food for everyone. Here are some tips to hosting a vegan during the holidays (or any other time)!
1. Ask them to bring a dish. I have this an numero uno because honestly, the last thing a vegan wants to do is create more work for you or make you bend over backwards as a host. I promise you, they won't be offended if you're having a potluck and they are vegan! All of the vegans I've encountered are more than happy to bring their own dish and share their foods with anyone interested.
2. Find some veganized classics. Baking or cooking vegan meals is in no way more difficult or laborous that cooking a non-vegan meal. You probably already have the ingredients at home to make a vegan dish and don't even realize it! Veggies? Check! Fruits? Check! See my Pinterest board for 400+ ideas or simply do a quick Google search for "vegan [fill-in-blank]". You'd be surprised what recipes are out there!
3. Establish their restrictions. Usually vegans will let you know ahead of time what their restrictions include. Vegans don't eat any animal products including all meat, dairy, eggs and sometimes honey. Aside from the vast reasons people go vegan, it may be because of certain food allergies. Some vegans may avoid gluten or soy, as well, so it's helpful to know their restrictions if you're providing a vegan meal.
4. Try forgoing butter and milk in dishes. One of the things I missed most when eating at a family gathering were the simple staples: mashed potatoes. Try making yours with almond milk and no butter. (There is a vegan butter out there made by Earth Balanace if you want to include it). This will ensure that your vegan guest has more than just one option for dinner!
5. Enjoy the experience. Don't fret over what to serve your vegan guest. Keep it simple and make those small adjustments to what you already have in mind and you'll all enjoy your meal together just fine! There's more important things to life than fretting for weeks over what to serve to your vegan guest. We seriously just want to enjoy the moment and hang out with our friends and family, no matter what vegan foods we're being served!
Looking to go vegan? Check out these related posts below!
Where to Begin
Kitchen Overhaul
5 Tips for a Healthy Vegan Diet
Pinterest Plant-Strong Board
Top 5 Reactions to "I'm Vegan"
Protein in a Vegan Diet
5 Tips for Eating a Plant-Based Diet (Anywhere)
Veganism in a Nutshell (video)
5 Things I've Learned Through Veganism
Foods That Kill
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Top 5 Reasons for Cutting the Clutter
As I clear away the clutter from my small apartment, I have been having deep discussions with my husband about what our goals are and if we can make more adjustments to meet those goals. One idea that I've been seeing with minimalists is the move from a one bedroom or two bedroom apartment down to a studio apartment. I can picture ourselves in a little studio apartment and have thought hard about what it would to get there. The following are some of the thoughts I've had as I'm purging all of these items from our lives.
1. The stuff that I'm letting go of is just stuff. My mother was always sentimental and I remember finding dozens of wedding announcements, birthday cards, newspapers, magazines, catalogs, etc! I always thought that I would never do that, but as I pulled down some bins in the closet, I realized I was heading down the same path. I'll always have the memories of the events and people that had given me these things, so why keep lugging these physical mementos around anymore?
2. I really don't need 50 shirts. Although I have been frugal when purchasing new clothing, too many trips to Goodwill and thrift stores have still wreaked havoc in my closet. They may only cost one dollar, but all of those one dollar bills add up, and it's just not necessary. After I started tossing shirts into a Goodwill bag, my husband wandered in the closet and started doing the same.
3. Out of 5 pairs of jeans, I only loved 3. The other couple of pair would loosen up throughout the day or didn't have the right cut for my body. Why keep hanging on to something that doesn't look amazing on you? There's just no reason. I know it's fun to go out and buy new stuff, but I just can't justify it anymore.
4. I've been filling my life with things instead of making room for new experiences. As I mentioned before, I grew up with the women in family shopping. On the weekends, trips were made into the big city of Houston to take advantage of the latest deal and weren't complete without eating dinner out. While I go through all of my things, I have to remember what brought me here and how I can reverse this behavior and end the cycle of consumption.
5. We're living beyond our means. I often think of my husband's student loans and they bother me. Just the thought of this big red number over our heads makes me nervous. I've heard different reactions from everyone I encounter who also have the same debt, if not more. Almost everyone tells me to not worry about it and that I have years to pay it off. The thing is, Kendan and I don't like that idea. We've made a pact to end the unnecessary spending and dedicate more of our income to his student loans.
Looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Check out my posts below!
Cutting the Clutter: The 5 C's to More Happiness
5 Lessons I've Learned by Decluttering
Cutting the Clutter: Kitchen Revamp
Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love.
Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Restaurant Review: Counter Culture
I can't say it enough, but I am so lucky to live in Austin, Texas. We have a super vegan-friendly city and plenty of places to dine if you're following a plant-based diet. One of many new favorites places to dine is Counter Culture! They began as a food truck in February 2009 and transitioned into a brick-and-mortar restaurant in April 2012 offering a wide range of vegan food on their menu.
Shortly after they opened, I brought a car full of non-vegans in to try out their brunch. We devoured the plates of stuffed french toast and seasonal omelets. I was worried about what my omnivore friends and family would think, but they were the first to say it tasted amazing.
My second trip to Counter Culture was in mid-July at an ATX Vegan Drinks event where they served wine and cheeze. My coworker and I each had a cheeze plate which featured several types of cheezes made in-house and different breads to spread them on. I also had a plate of pesto rawviolis stuffed with cashew cheeze with a side of garlicky greens that was simply delectable.
In early November, Counter Culture was advertising a Thanksgiving Sandwich on their Facebook page with seitan, gravy and cranberry sauce. A couple of coworkers and I ventured out to try this that very day. The sandwiches were the perfect tip o' the hat to a traditional Thanksgiving meal. One coworker tried the Spicy Raw Pad Thai, which he said was really tasty. We also tried the Spicy Baked Artichoke Dip, a creamy spread to top the assortment of breads they provided. Since I knew I couldn't go home that night empty handed, I also ordered a Hot Apple/Pear/Cranberry Crisp to-go!
This is some seriously good food that's approved by vegans and omnivores alike! Check out their restaurant in East Austin at 2337 East Cesar Chavez. They always have some specials that are creative and will be sure to satisfy your cravings for seasonal dishes.
Above: Raw Pad Thai
Above: Thanksgiving Sandwich
Above: Hot Apple/Pear/Cranberry Crisp
Above: Cheeze Plate
Monday, November 12, 2012
Cutting the Clutter: Kitchen Revamp
We have a modest 704 square foot apartment, and the first landing spot for all things clutter was our kitchen bar. On the corner, I had a "catch all" spot with a letter tray. This was one of my bargain buys from the $1 bin section at Target, and it was my "organizer" for all the things that were being set on the bar. I would sort through it and tidy it up to make it look presentable, but soon I found it overflowing with junk.
When I embraced the idea of minimalism about a month ago, I realized that that "catch all" was worse for us than just an empty, clean bar. So how do you revamp your "catch all" spot and where do you put it all? Here's some of my tips that I used and why it now works better for us.
1. Find a home for everything. The letter tray included random things such as tape, rubberbands, a cup of pens, chalk, stamps, mail holder, a coin jar... you get the idea! I have a neat little home for all of these elsewhere in another three drawer stand, but that's another post. I kept one pen out, the mail holder and my coin jar.
2. Rethink your space. What could it be used for that is more useful? Ever since my lifestyle change, we have been cooking more plant-based meals in the kitchen. I have many cookbooks now that are vegan only and a few that are my favorites. Instead of having a pile of clutter that served only as an eye sore, I chose to store my cookbooks instead. Now they are staring me in the face each day and beckoning me to post more recipes!
3. Reuse what you have. That bargain letter tray is now being reused as a spice holder. Now that I'm cooking more, I have a wider variety of spices, and in turn, many more bottles to store. I recently moved all of my spices to a different (and deeper) cabinet space. The letter tray fits perfectly inside the cabinet and allows me pull out all of the spices at once for a quick and easy selection.
4. Keep the new space clean. It's easy and tempting to start dropping items where you used to. As the saying goes, old habits die hard. Once you are able to enjoy the new functionality of your old clutter magnet, you'll take pride in keeping it as you intended. We've been able to keep it clear and it's such a focal point into the kitchen area, so it makes a big difference!
5. Keep only the essentials on the counters. I only have the bare minimum on my counters, including a cutting board, music dock, food processor and blender. These are the things I use most frequently and serve a purpose most days of the week. In the morning as I walk into my kitchen, it's almost comforting to walk into a clean space. Keep it simple, and tidy up as you go along!
Looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Check out my posts below!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love.
For a few weeks now, my husband and I have held many discussions concerning minimalism and what are goals and dreams are. The only debt that is holding me back are his student loans. They are manageable at best, and we've gnawed them down a bit since we started paying them off on our own a year and a half ago. I feel it's pretty normal to feel burdened by them and want to pay them off. I've never felt like I could just let them sit and accrue even more interest.
So what's our plan? I've promised Kendan that I wouldn't spend any more money on anything other than essentials including food, bills, rent and gas. No more shopping for hours and bringing home a bag of clothes (even if they only cost me $10). Although I still struggle with going out to eat, we have decided to only try out new places for me to blog about.
I feel that veganism has retrained my thought process and pushed me to reevaluate other areas in my life. After changing my eating habits, dropping some weight, beginning to purge and dedicating more time to The Little Red Journal, I've come to realize a few other important things. Life is what we make of it and we're capable of making transitions and changes if we're inspired enough.
Through my search into minimalism recently, I have been researching what others perceive as minimalist and trying to see where it fits in with my life. Yesterday we watched a short TED talk below by Adam Baker on how he found his freedom and happiness by ridding his life of all the stuff and crap that was holding he and his family back. His message? Sell your crap. Pay off your debt. Do what you love. It's pretty inspiring and got me thinking. What if we don't go by the script? I always thought I may have a different path ahead of me, but I just didn't know where it was headed.
Tonight I was doing some more browsing and found that Adam had a website and also a movie that just released on Friday. The timing couldn't have been better. I've been on a kick the whole weekend, pacing the house and picking up something and saying, "Do I really need this?!" Once I saw the trailer below for I'm Fine, Thanks, I knew we had to see it. I just finished the movie and it may have sparked something more in me. Possibly a tipping point. Tune in and see how it all unfolds! (I'm still not sure yet!)
Looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Check out my posts below!
Cutting the Clutter: The 5 C's to More Happiness
5 Lessons I've Learned by Decluttering
Top 5 Reasons for Cutting the Clutter
Cutting the Clutter: Kitchen Revamp
Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle
Looking to embrace a minimalist lifestyle? Check out my posts below!
Cutting the Clutter: The 5 C's to More Happiness
5 Lessons I've Learned by Decluttering
Top 5 Reasons for Cutting the Clutter
Cutting the Clutter: Kitchen Revamp
Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle
Friday, November 9, 2012
Food Trailer Review: Schmaltz
As part of our long vegan lunch excursions, my coworker and I ventured out to the Schmaltz food trailer in East Austin. She had just chatted me before lunch and sent me a link to their Facebook page. The photos looked enticing, and I told her that I wanted to go there ASAP. The food truck, which offers both vegan and vegetarian items, was located at 913 E Cesar Chavez and tucked behind Domy Book.
We were greeted by the owner, Julia Hungerford, and after checking out the menu, I ordered the Frankenthaler Falafel. It all sounded so amazing, but I was confident in my choice. While we waited for our food, we snagged a spot in the outdoor dining area. I loved the seating and gazed up at what looked like a parachute strung above us that provided ample shade. There were even little lights hanging, which makes me want to visit one evening for the mood lighting.
Soon we received our food, and after I unwrapped my Falafel, I quickly snapped a picture and then dove right in. I only wish I had taken a picture of my coworker's Harvey P Seitan Pastrami Reuben, but we were so caught up with hunger and anticipation that I was lucky enough to get a picture of my own food! The food tasted amazing and we've already planned another trip with more coworkers. I can't wait to go back and try out some other vegan options.
Check out Schmaltz and support this amazing establishment soon!
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